Avatar: Sozin’s Comet

Part of an ongoing project to convert the Avatar: The Last Airbender series into a more cinematic format, this edit connects all 4 parts of the season 3 finale, removing all blackouts/titles/credits. Some minor changes to the narrative have been made, such as the cutting of “Loser Lord” and the re-placing of Zuko’s visit to his father at the end of the film. The Lion Turtle sequences are also now subtitled.

The Hidden: B+ Movie Edition

B+ edit number 3 is a light trimming of the excellent 80’s cult B-movie The Hidden. As per usual, the narrative is kept mostly intact, with light trims for pacing and cuts made in favour of removing poor FX, weak acting, trashy elements and misplaced humour. With only 4 minutes cut, The Hidden: B+ Movie Edition is marginally shorter, but considerably tighter, with a tone more consistent and suited to its higher tier script.

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