[Book Review] Destiny Doll – Clifford D. Simak (1972)

There are two separate Simak "to-read" piles that I mentally keep track of: the "I think this might be good" pile and the "completionist" pile. Destiny Doll fell into the latter. The other three books I'd read from his 70's output did not impress me and so, while I was interested in the premise, I was expecting... Continue Reading →

[Book Review] New Writings in SF-13 – John Carnell (Editor) (1968)

One of my random charity shop finds, purchased in the hopes of discovering some forgotten gem or author. Individual stories reviewed: "The Divided House" by John Rackham - 3.25 "Divided we both fall." Interesting dystopian novelette touching on slavery, class divide, intellectual discrimination, "thinkers" vs. "dreamers". The prose is dry and competent, without flair. The characters are fairly... Continue Reading →

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