Scribble 8 – The Golden Voyage of Sinbad

A frame-accurate recreation of the original Super 8 cuts for Harryhausen’s ‘The Golden Voyage of Sinbad’, using a full-screen HD colour source taken from the Indicator release. Featuring multiple audio options, subtitles where relevant, and carefully applied enhancements to stop-motion animation for ‘Sinbad Battles the Monsters’ and ‘Sinbad Duels the Idol with Many Arms’. Black and white ‘purist’ versions with no adjustments to animation are available where relevant.

[Book Review] Vampire Hunter D – Hideyuki Kikuchi (1983)

This was a proper nostalgia kick for me, since I used to swallow these books as a teen. For every flaw of Kikuchi's, there was something that had me falling in love with the series all over again. It's common for people to claim poor translation, and I really can't comment on that, but there... Continue Reading →

Jason and the Agnostics: Super Cut

Using my B+ Movie Edition as a foundation (including animation enhancements), this cut completely removes the Olympus scenes, as well as any explicit reference to the gods' interference. This, alongside a few more liberal trims, allows for an action-focused cut for when you just want to blitz through the film, cut to the chase and enjoy a fast-paced adventure.

Avatar – Chapter 1: The Last Airbender

Part of an ongoing project to convert the “Avatar: The Last Airbender” series into an alternative, less "bite-sized" format, this edit connects the first three episodes into a single narrative, removing all blackouts/titles/credits. Some tweaks to humour and minor changes to narrative have been made, such as a less melodramatic exit for Aang, tweaks to dialogue to foreshadow episode 3, and a slight shift in the order of events.

[Film Review] One Million Years B.C. (1966)

Feature-length adaptation of the "Dawn of Man" prologue from 2001: A Space Odyssey, except the apes are scraggly cavemen and the obelisk is (a suspiciously well-groomed) Raquel Welch. If we're to give the benefit of the doubt in regards to historical accuracy here, the women of ancient times clearly went through great pains to hide the... Continue Reading →

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